If you're a large woman in America, your whole life us an opportunity to feel self-conscious,embarrassed, resentful and way too big. you can hide in the corner or in the couch, you can go to therapy, or you can put on your lycra bike shorts and get out there and move.
—Jayne Williams, Slow Fat Triathlete



I'm waiting to leave work now. I'm a little frustrated as the files I need -- and I should have gotten on Monday the 27th -- seem to be not available. I can hear one of the people I need files from having an animated conversation about cats. And yet it will be my fault if I don't have the website up on time. Love this stuff.

But hey, I'm made of time. What's the big deal?

I had a weird dream last night, not unpleasant which I'm sure is full of psychological insight, not that I've gone there. I dreamt I was in a hotel somewhere in the midwest. I needed to get back to my mother's house in suburban Detroit (of course, my mom doesn't live in suburban Detroit anymore, but...) because my suitcase was there. And I needed to fly. So I finally get myself onto a plane (which seemed rather like the Portland Streetcar), and after awhile I realize that I booked the flight to my Mom's childhood home, 5 hours north of her house. Sometime later, I realize that it's actually going to western Michigan, not Mom's childhood home. That's when I woke up.

Now what I found really interesting was the fact that I was tremendously calm and confident and unflustered by the whole thing. I knew I'd get there eventually, I just needed to be flexible and patient. So what is that about? That flexible patient person doesn't seem really like me--my self-image is all about being flustered. But I liked it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey VJ, I'm really excited for you and have been enjoying following your days again. I can't wait to read about the marathon. Post pictures if you're able (wanna see the purple hair!).


9:55 PM


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