If you're a large woman in America, your whole life us an opportunity to feel self-conscious,embarrassed, resentful and way too big. you can hide in the corner or in the couch, you can go to therapy, or you can put on your lycra bike shorts and get out there and move.
—Jayne Williams, Slow Fat Triathlete


No changes

5 days. 5 days. 5 days.

I have my splits printed out, and attached to my monitor. That's really about it for stuff that I'm doing, other than just always thinking about the marathon.

The rule of thumb for marathons is: change nothing. I, surprise surprise, am being driven slowly insane by the thought of changing nothing, so I am making two diet changes this week.

  1. No alcohol.

  2. No deep fried food.

Part of this is about treating my body like the precision instrument it is. Part of this is about hoping to not gain weight during the taper. There should be another part, but I think it's really just the two.

I am well-hydrated. I am a sleep athlete....


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