If you're a large woman in America, your whole life us an opportunity to feel self-conscious,embarrassed, resentful and way too big. you can hide in the corner or in the couch, you can go to therapy, or you can put on your lycra bike shorts and get out there and move.
—Jayne Williams, Slow Fat Triathlete


Marathon pace

I need to do the first 21 miles of the marathon at a 16.66 minute mile or better if I want to not get caught at the cut off. Supposably, walkers who are slow and don't make it to Greeley by 1pm marathon day will be diverted to a different course. (I need to find out if that's still the case, or if they did that in years past). I was planning to do at least an 18 minute mile pace (so I can finish under 8 hours), depending on heat, how I'm feeling, all that, but I'll need really to do better yet.

A 16.66 minute mile pace will still put me in 7 hours 16 minutes.

I'll have to try for that in the 21 miler this Saturday. Yow!