If you're a large woman in America, your whole life us an opportunity to feel self-conscious,embarrassed, resentful and way too big. you can hide in the corner or in the couch, you can go to therapy, or you can put on your lycra bike shorts and get out there and move.
—Jayne Williams, Slow Fat Triathlete


The first official ride home

Well, I made my first official full commute today -- using the bike to go to work and back home again. I had a nice ride in, quiet and slow. I saw Sara's car at the gym -- that always warms my heart -- and ran into Hanna on Tom McCall Waterfront Park. And, I didn't walk anything on the way there. Woo hoo! 27 minutes! 3 miles.

On lunch, we walked for an hour, to Jill's apartment and back. We were moving pretty good, and it was lovely outside. I figured out yesterday that I need to do 126 minutes of walking to make my 15,000 desired steps. Of course, I didn't do any more than the single hour, but that's a goal I'll be working towards.

Riding home was tough. I walked the bike A LOT, and rode very slowly on the last mile or so. Traffic was crazy, lots of cars, lots of bikes. By the time I got home, I was fully soaked with sweat, and totally in the middle of an endorphin rush (which I didn't realize until I sat down for a few minutes). 35 minutes. It's hard on my ego to walk my bike up hills, and to move so slowly -- at least with walking, I can tell myself I am a long distance walker. And, all the cyclists I saw easily weighed a hundred pounds less than me -- I'm sure it's easier to propel the bike when there's less weight involved.

I wanted to walk after dinner, but it's already dark. I'm glad the temperatures are getting cooler, but the whole shortening day thing is a bit much.

I am currently reading Slow Burn, which is supposed to be about long slow distance running, but so far it's been a lot of positive thinking, your thoughts are shaping your reality stuff. While I do believe that, my hooey button gets pressed very quickly with that sort of groovy talk, and I have a hard time reading more than a couple pages at a time.