If you're a large woman in America, your whole life us an opportunity to feel self-conscious,embarrassed, resentful and way too big. you can hide in the corner or in the couch, you can go to therapy, or you can put on your lycra bike shorts and get out there and move.
—Jayne Williams, Slow Fat Triathlete



I biked into work this morning. I felt a bit creaky—no doubt from yesterday's walk, Monday's bruises, and not having ridden in a couple weeks—but it also felt pretty good.

The bruises from Monday have really come out now. On the bad arm, I have a big swollen green bruise from wrist to just above the elbow. The shoulder, which I had iced immediately, doesn't look great, but looks nowhere near as bad as the one a bit lower on that arm. I'll see the chiropractor today, who can give me a better idea how much damage I did, exactly.


Blogger susie said...

Goodness, I just read about your fall. Ouch. It doesn't seem to have slowed you down much, though:)

3:44 PM


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