One of the many nice things about visiting my mom includes having the downtime to think about goals. As either Mom or I was sick at all times during this visit, we had lots of time to sit in front of the TV. Since we have really different tastes, and Mom controlled the remote, we mostly watched what she wanted: Lifetime, and Court TV. I'd try not to watch, and daydream.
Essentially, I've committed myself to a course of improvement.
- Working on the outside of the house: we have a failed tropical-scary garden in the front yard. It's overgrown and overtaken by wisteria and fennel. Everything must go! At least, somewhere else. I am torn about having a wildly exuberant front yard--I want it, but I don't do the work. I need to remember that, and not move in that direction again!
How to make it happen: spend 15 minutes a day on it. Work on only one thing at a time. - Working on the downstairs: my clutter is everywhere. My horde of magazines threaten to fall off shelves, and are dragged around by cats. I want to get the house back into sufficent shape that if someone says they're coming over, I or Sweetie don't totally freak.
How to make it happen: spend 15 minutes a day on it. Work on only one thing at a time. - Getting a toolshed: We have no garage, no carport, no shed. The lawnmower lives on the basement stairs, and the bikes in the living and laundry rooms. Our laundry room is full of garden tools. This stuff has got to go!
How to make this happen: we've priced sheds. Now we need to figure out how big we need, and where it will work in the yard. - Lose some weight: I realized that while I was hoping to lose weight, I was just hoping. To really do this, I need to have a plan, goals, etc.
How to make this happen: my goal is to lose 3 pounds every 2 weeks. I'd love something more dramatic, but realistically, well, I gotta be realistic. I have a job and workout goals and other things going on. I plan to concentrate on eating whole foods and lots of veggies, eat more frequently, and eat smaller portions - Workout more: this piggybacks with the losing weight--I want/need to do more fatburning exercise. This works well with needing to do more LSD walking.
How to make this happen: ugh. Keep biking to work, keep squeezing in exercise whenever I can, start looking at how else I can exercise now that it's dark whenever I am off work (like active housework, decluttering, walking the loop around my first floor). - Clean up part of the basement so I can get some exercise equipment: this piggybacks with the shed, and with exercise. Once the shed is there, I'll be able to get down into the basement, and start cleaning. Right now, the stairs and the basement are an obstacle course.
Do you think I have enough on my plate?
Wow, that's a lot! You've got plenty of goals to work on, but the nice think is how interrelated they are. Once you start accomplishing one or two the others will fall right in to place.
And do the half! It hasn't been that long since your marathon, so you should still have that fitness and mileage level under your belt. I didn't do that many miles between my 50 miler and my 50k but I still finished the 50k with no problem. Go for it and have fun.
12:01 PM
I love making lists of goals. My problem is that I lose track of the msomewhere along the way and six months later I have a shoebox full of photos on my living room floor and I can't remember why they are out.
5:46 PM
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