I rode in again this morning. I look forward to when this won't seem like an accomplishment, but that may be a ways off. It was chilly and windy this morning, slow going, and there weren't many cyclists out.
My wipeout yesterday did not destroy the iPod. It appears no worse for the wear. Hurrah!
Here is the gratitious cat and dog picture. Nigella appears back to her old self, and here she is cowing the dog into submission.
I have the ballots here, ready to mail, our civic duty done!! As P. Diddy says, Vote or Die! (I don't know what the dying is about...)
I've been in a decluttering spree at home, and the most visible part of it is bringing about a dozen magazines in to the gym and our work magazine exchange. It feels so good to get them out of the house. At that rate, it will still be a couple of months before I denude the downstairs of magazines--I have a problem, friends, I'm not afraid to admit it. I am powerless before magazines. (prima)Gravida has been doing a ton of decluttering--very inspiring.
I posted to the PFit forum about my goth toe (black cuticle, black nail) and what should I do with/for it for the big race--so far, silence. What do you do when you get a goth toe? Is there a technical term for this?
Black? Or dark purple, like there's a bruise underneath the nail? I'm on my second purple toe nail and I haven't done a thing to either of them (yet) - just letting nature take it's course with them. Does your hurt? It's a pretty common thing - can happen if your shoes are too big, too small or just from extra pounding.
AND...let me say GOOODD LLUUCCKK to you on your race this weekend!
10:36 AM
That sounded like a nasty fall in your last post! Good luck with the race and be careful with yourself.
I wouldn't worry about the toe. I've never had black toe, but I've heard that it goes away on it's own. But Dianna is right, you might check to make sure your shoes are big enough.
Good luck again. Walk STRONG!
12:39 PM
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