If you're a large woman in America, your whole life us an opportunity to feel self-conscious,embarrassed, resentful and way too big. you can hide in the corner or in the couch, you can go to therapy, or you can put on your lycra bike shorts and get out there and move.
—Jayne Williams, Slow Fat Triathlete


Deadline met

What a relief. I just finished the mockups I have to present at work tomorrow. This was cutting it entirely too close, but I suspect this whole process is going to be a bunch of "hurry up & waits". I unfortunately caffeine-loaded this afternoon to ward off my post-race nap (well, okay, there was a post-race nap) drowsiness, and now, of course, I'm wide awake.

I can't believe the marathon is in two weeks. I can't believe it!

Yesterday, we had our second-to-last PFit session. We walked 7 miles, which was just so thoroughly pleasant. It's funny to realize that six months ago, 7 miles was a long way and it would be a big deal to walk it. Hell, just a couple years ago, I did the 5K walk at Race for the Cure with my sweetie, and we bagged it at the two-thirds point because we were tired and hungry.

There is this ease I'm particularly aware of after the PFit walk/runs where I just feel like I can chat with anyone there. I'm not terrifically outgoing, so this is kinda a big deal. There has been this bonding -- the group keeps getting smaller and smaller -- and it's obvious who is there every week. Perhaps part of this is because the marathon is looming large for so many of us -- and while we can talk to our friends and loved ones about it, they just don't know and can't know what this means. Why is this so important? I don't need to explain it to my PFit acquaintances.

As M. and I inhaled our post-walk breakfast this morning (nothing like a little race to make you hungry like a bear), we chatted about what races we walked to do this fall and winter. I'm already thinking about destination marathons, and I tried to pique her interest. She was a little more guarded -- "would you let me run my first marathon, please, before we start talking about the next one?" It's true -- maybe I'll hate that distance. It could happen.


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