If you're a large woman in America, your whole life us an opportunity to feel self-conscious,embarrassed, resentful and way too big. you can hide in the corner or in the couch, you can go to therapy, or you can put on your lycra bike shorts and get out there and move.
—Jayne Williams, Slow Fat Triathlete



It's Monday, and I think I'm finally feeling the Saturday walk. I'm tired, and not really feeling very inspired. I biked in, and actually rode up all the hills -- it's getting better. Perhaps this biking thing will feel good at some point!

The Bicycle Transporation Alliance sent me a couple Bike Commute Challenge posters to put up here at work -- they are beautiful. Hopefully this will encourage more people to participate than my silly emails.

The most exciting thing that has happened today is another sighting of the Pants On Fire Mobile, which is supposed to be in Portland through the 25th. A bunch of us ran down the stairs and out to the curb to watch the supreme monstrosity go by. It just warms my heart.

I ran into my coworker this morning, and so I made my confession about not saying hi. She seemed bummed that I hadn't said hi (which was nice), and we had a good conversation about blisters and pacing ourselves. I always expect my coworkers to not like me for whatever reason, and I'm always a bit shocked when they in fact do seem to like me.

I learned something sad today about the marathon. Basically, if you aren't at mile 22 by 12 noon, you'll be diverted to the "walker-friendly course". It's the difference between coming down the middle of Greeley, a small nice road, closed to traffic, and coming down Interstate Ave, a big ugly strip, on the sidewalk. To make that cut-off, I'd have to walk a 13.6 minute/mile. I might possibly be able to do that -- on a 5K if some of the PFit folks were pacing me -- but not on a marathon. Sheesh! To make matters worse, the MAX train, our mass-transit, comes down Interstate, and it will be taunting me, I know it.

I was also excited to see that Jayne has posted another race report, this time for the Chicago Triathlon/Team Clydesdale World Games V where she set a world record for her age/weight class! Her race reports (and dining logs -- hey, a woman after my heart) are up at http://www.slowfattriathlete.com/ -- there's a link from the home frame (sorry!) to the Chicago report, and the rest can be found in the 2004 Race Season.