more biking, more of the time.
It seems like biking is consuming me. Forever, or at least the last 5 months, I've been walking, walking, walking. Now, between the BCC and tapering for the marathon, I feel like I haven't been walking at all. It's rather making me crazy. Especially since I'm at least a competent walker. Bicycling is a whole 'nother thing.
Last night I rode home. Passed a pedestrian/bicycle accident -- of course, the bicyclist was hysterical but untouched and the pedestrian appeared to have lost an eye. It made me think of Chrissie's aunt, who was paralyzed after being hit by a bicycle while she was walking. It's scary stuff.
I then succeeded in getting halfway up the ramp after the Steel Bridge. This is pathetic, but it's a great accomplishment for me. I then rode home very slowly through the neighborhood.
I passed a couple of punk rock girls on their bikes. I knew they would pass me when they turned onto my street -- that goes without saying. But my heart is always gladdened by the sight of punk rock girls. (Which suddenly makes me think of the Kids in the Hall sketch, He's hip, he's cool, he's 45. Anyways.) So, they do pass me, of course, and hammer up a hill, and that's when I realized that one of them had a prosthetic leg. I need to quit my whining!
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