If you're a large woman in America, your whole life us an opportunity to feel self-conscious,embarrassed, resentful and way too big. you can hide in the corner or in the couch, you can go to therapy, or you can put on your lycra bike shorts and get out there and move.
—Jayne Williams, Slow Fat Triathlete


a good ride

I've spent way too much space bellyaching about how hard the bike commute is... This morning, the commute in was beautiful. It felt good. I was out early enough that I didn't have a lot of traffic to contend with, and while it wasn't effortless or anywhere near it, it felt doable. Achievable.

Maybe that's the brilliance of the bike commute challenge -- it's taken 12 days of commuting for me to actually feel comfortable. My sense of competition has kept me coming back. This morning I thought in terms of myself as a bike commuter, as in, I need rain gear so I can continue biking in.

The ride back home is getting better too. I rode more hills and walked less.


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