If you're a large woman in America, your whole life us an opportunity to feel self-conscious,embarrassed, resentful and way too big. you can hide in the corner or in the couch, you can go to therapy, or you can put on your lycra bike shorts and get out there and move.
—Jayne Williams, Slow Fat Triathlete



It's overcast outside, and I'm a little blue. Not sure what I want. Am I hungry? Or queasy?

I've spent the morning looking at blog software. I've been a little frustrated with blogger--the fact that sometimes you can't be sure if a post has been made, or a blog is unavailable, etc. I need something that isn't going to take a weekend to install, that will have categories, that will allow multiple blogs, that will scale. Someday, I'd like to take the alt.portland guide, and database it, and I think blog software like Movable Type might do that quite gracefully. But Movable Type sounds like a nightmare to install.

Have you installed a CMS/blog software on your ISP? What did you choose and why? How was/is the experience?

I think I need to get a walk in before it starts to pour again. That's bound to make me feel better.


Blogger Unknown said...

I haven't installed anything (I'm on blogger) but Mark at Complete Running hosts blogs. Maybe you could talk to him. I don't know what features he offers, but I know several running bloggers have moved to his site recently.

Good luck!

5:51 PM

Blogger vj said...

Thanks, guys!

I know Mark is offering a great service, but I'm just a bit gunshy. Before the beginning of time, I lost a high profile website that was being hosted by someone else when he mismanaged his business. I am sure that Mark wouldn't allow this to happen, but I still can't do it.

So... I bought a domain and am playing with textpattern right now. Don't know if I'll use it yet.

6:16 AM


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