If you're a large woman in America, your whole life us an opportunity to feel self-conscious,embarrassed, resentful and way too big. you can hide in the corner or in the couch, you can go to therapy, or you can put on your lycra bike shorts and get out there and move.
—Jayne Williams, Slow Fat Triathlete


a night off

I still haven't made my deadline (though my deadline deadline is tomorrow), but I'm taking the evening off. I'm hitting the wall, as far as work goes—all weekend, all day yesterday and today, and last night. I wish I were done with it, but it's nice to have take an evening off. My sweetie and I went out for comfort food and beer this evening, and he talked about the great professional development thing that he went to, and I talked about this project. At least his PD thing was interesting.

In catching up with my blogs, I learned that I missed the Great Columbia Crossing, a 10K which crosses the Columbia from Washington into Oregon. Last year my pal Mela ran it in horizontal rain. The timing is bad, a week after the Portland Marathon, but I'm a sucker for a bridge, and I'd like to do it sometime.

I also learned that the Royal Victoria is beautiful and challenging. I wanna do it! Why are there so many fun events in October?

So, today, instead of doing a spinning class, a couple of us from work decided to walk up to another coworker's house on Council Crest. This is one of our larger hills here in town, with the top around 1100 feet above sea level (downtown is 20 ft above sea level). We were going to take a bus, but then, well, it didn't happen, so we walked up the hill. About 45 minutes into the walk, which was straight up hill, up Vista St, my coworker mentioned the time, and I freaked out. 45 minutes and we weren't there yet?!? It was at that point that I bailed. Both shins are complaining this evening, and I thought I re-screwed up my ankle in the walk down the hill, but I'm hoping that's not the case.

Shoot. We could walk to my house, not up hill (unless you're riding a bike :)) in less than 45 minutes. I love hills, and this really kicked my butt, so I've been obsessed with tackling it again. This makes Terwilliger seem like kids stuff. And I will tackle it again...


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